Top 5 Native Grasses for Erosion Control in the North Central US
The North Central United ...
January 8, 2024
Florida is blessed with a rich diversity of native plants that are uniquely adapted to the state’s subtropical climate, sandy soils, and unique ecosystems. From towering palms and majestic oaks to delicate wildflowers and lush ferns, Florida’s native plants provide immense ecological, economic, and aesthetic value.
These plants form the foundation of Florida’s ecosystems, providing food and shelter for native wildlife while helping stabilize soils and protect water quality. Many of Florida’s plants hold cultural and historical significance as well, used for centuries by Native Americans and early settlers. Preserving Florida’s native plant heritage ensures healthy habitats for bees, birds, and wildlife while enhancing the state’s natural beauty.
To thrive in Florida’s challenging growing conditions, native plants have developed special adaptations. These include:
In turn, Florida’s native plants support a vast array of wildlife. Butterflies lay their eggs on native host plants like milkweed or passion flower vines. Birds and mammals feast on the berries and seeds of plants like beautyberry, blueberry, and wax myrtle. And nectar-rich flowers sustain hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and bats. Even aquatic ecosystems depend on native plants like eelgrass or pickerel weed. Protecting native plants is essential for preserving Florida’s biodiversity.
Florida’s false indigo bush erupts with yellow flower spikes in spring, serving as a striking backdrop in parks and gardens. These tough shrubs thrive in poor soils with little watering once established. Their nectar sustains bees and butterflies while finches feast on the seed pods.
A familiar site along Florida’s roadways, vibrant orange butterfly milkweed clusters draw squadrons of butterflies with their creamy nectar. As the name implies, milkweed serves as the sole host plant for the monarch butterfly.
A member of the bean family, white wild indigo displays clusters of white flowers in late spring, contrasting beautifully with its bluish-green foliage. As a nitrogen-fixing plant, it enriches soils and attracts an array of pollinators.
Abundant in disturbed soils, Spanish needles produce cheery yellow flowers nearly year-round, unfazed by heat, drought, or poor soils. Small birds like finches feast on the seeds. The pincushion-like seed heads likely inspired the common name.
A staple in Florida landscapes, beautyberry dazzles with vivid clusters of shiny purple berries in late summer and fall, giving pops of color. Birds devour the ripe fruits while bees and butterflies drink nectar from the small pink summertime blooms.
This clumping wildflower thrives in pine flatwoods and savannas, producing upright reddish-purple blooms from fall into winter. Though the flowers seem adapted for butterfly pollination, chaff head actually reproduces clonally underground.
A classic legume, the partridge pea displays lovely yellow pea-like flowers and forms nitrogen-rich nodules on its roots. Larval host to cloudless sulphurs and orange sulphur butterflies, it grows vigorously in sandy soils with excellent drought tolerance.
Despite its prickly leaves, Florida thistle makes a great border or background plant, showcasing vibrant purple blooms. It thrives in sandy soils and blends beautifully with wildflowers and grasses in meadow gardens. Butterflies flock to the blossoms.
Tickseeds like Florida’s state wildflower coreopsis thrive statewide, even in nutrient-poor sands. The lance-shaped leaves inspired the name of this cheery yellow-flowered species, which naturalizes readily. Butterflies and songbirds adore it.
Another tickseed suited to harsh sandy sites, Leavenworth’s coreopsis shows copious golden blooms with red centers spring through fall. Though short-lived, it self-sows vigorously. The nectar and seeds nourish birds and insects.
A classic Florida goldenrod, slender goldentop adorns roadsides and meadows with fluffy plumes of tiny yellow flowers in fall. Butterflies like hairstreaks and skippers nectar on the blooms. Birds snatch up the tufted fruits.
This evergreen vine unfurls elegant yellow trumpets in late winter, perfuming the air with a light citrusy fragrance. Hummingbirds cannot resist yellow jessamine. Though beautiful, all plant parts are toxic. Place it carefully in landscapes.
Aptly named firebush lives up to its moniker, igniting landscapes with blazing clusters of fragrant red or orange tubular blooms year-round. A prime nectar source for hummingbirds and butterflies and popular nesting site for birds. Fast growing and maintenance free in the right spot.
Scarlet rosemallow brings a welcome splash of color to wetlands and pond edges midsummer into fall with its vibrant red hibiscus-like blooms measuring five inches across. Hummingbirds zoom in to sample the nectar. Though stunning, it can spread aggressively via seeds and rhizomes.
This adaptable, medium-sized shrub provides multi-season interest with fragrant white spring flowers, reddish fall foliage, and ornamental seed heads that persist into winter. An excellent choice for rain gardens and pond edges. Attracts butterflies, bees, and birds.
Airy spires of pink-purple flowers top dense clumps of slender grass-like leaves in late summer, giving dense gayfeather its common name. This pretty prairie wildflower makes stunning mass plantings along roads and meadows, luring butterflies by the dozen.
A deer-resistant workhorse for pollinator gardens, spotted beebalm cheers up landscapes with numerous whorls of tubular pink and white flowers atop minty green foliage from early summer into fall. Butterflies, hummingbirds and bees jostle for nectar rights.
The aptly named purple passionflower vine dazzles with otherworldly lavender and white blooms sporting prominent stamens and an intricate style structure. Butterflies like gulf fritillaries seek out the nectar. In fall, birds devour the egg-shaped orange fruits.
True to its name, manyflower beardtongue launches dozens of snapdragon-like white flowers on tall upright stems in spring, contrasting beautifully with olive green grassy leaves. Makes a great landscape specimen or border. Attractive to bees and butterflies.
Around March and April, Florida’s pine flatwoods and prairies come alive with vast drifts of pale blue to lilac prairie phlox. The five-petaled flowers smell faintly of honey. Makes an excellent wildflower meadow component, thriving in poor soils.
In late summer to fall, pinelands light up with the lavender flowers of wild pennyroyal, which exude a strong minty fragrance when crushed. This versatile groundcover spreads to form lovely drifts. Periodic mowing keeps it tidy. Ideal for rock gardens and as a lawn substitute.
Fond of moist soils, sweetscent erupts with abundant white flower heads summer into fall, lending a honey-like fragrance to wet meadows and marshes. Birds eat the seeds while pollinators seek nectar. The leaves smell like peanut butter when crushed.
Happy-go-lucky black-eyed Susans bring plenty of cheer to gardens and meadows with their golden sunflower-like blooms ringed by maroon centers. They thrive in poor soils and reseed freely. Butterflies flock to them while finches feast on ripe seeds.
Scarlet sage ignites landscapes with electric red flower spikes summer into fall. Hummingbirds zip to the tubular blooms for nectar while butterflies like fritillaries sip more modestly. Looks fantastic alongside blue porterweed and firebush.
This clump-forming goldenrod brightens sandy soils and flatwoods with plentiful golden plumes in fall. Butterflies like hairstreaks nectar avidly on the tiny florets. Songbirds relish the fluffy seeds. Makes a great border plant or meadow addition.
As the name suggests, crushing the leaves of this goldenrod releases a lovely anise scent. Another fall-bloomer, it grows well in both moist and well-drained sites. Butterflies flock to the cherry-yellow flowers while birds snatch up seeds.
A choice native shrub for gardens and wildlife. From white bell-like spring flowers to scarlet fall foliage and sweet, wildlife-adored summer berries, highbush blueberry delivers year-round beauty. Requires acidic soils. Fantastic specimen plant.
Big and bold with abundant nectar for late season pollinators, frostweed displays loads of showy white sunflower-like blooms and interesting ice crystal formations in fall and winter. Its rapid growth makes it ideal for privacy screens. Give it ample elbow room.
Ironweeds make striking additions to gardens with their dense clusters of vibrant pinkish-purple flowers atop tall leafy stalks in late summer. At six to eight feet tall, giant ironweed provides a burst of color to back borders. Butterflies flock to the blossoms.
This evergreen shrub or small tree offers multi-season interest with clusters of white spring flowers, shiny dark leaves, and vivid metallic blue fruits relished by songbirds. Works excellently as a specimen plant or hedge. Gorgeously red fall foliage in colder winters.
Spanish bayonet showcases sword-shaped succulent leaves in attractive rosettes, many eventually producing tall spikes of hanging white bell flowers in summer. Clump-forming and highly drought tolerant. An ideal accent plant with striking architectural form.
As alluring as its butterfly namesake, vibrant pink swamp milkweed clusters stand out boldly along marshy shores in midsummer. Butterflies flock to the fragrant blossoms while birds snap up seedpods in fall. Tolerates moist soils. Spreads aggressively via rhizomes so give it space.
One of Florida’s prettiest wildflowers, aquatic milkweed sports clusters of sweetly fragrant lavender flowers in late spring into summer. As the name suggests, it grows partially submerged along pond shores and slow moving streams, forming important fish habitat.
Buttonbush brightens soggy shorelines and wetlands with dense, showy spherical white flower heads reminiscent of pincushions. It grows quite large but responds well to pruning. Ducks eat the seeds. An excellent choice for rain gardens and pond margins or shallow water.
Despite its menacing name, marsh rattlesnakemaster shows off attractive button-like white flower heads surrounded by distinctive divided bracts through summer. It favors moist soils and stands accused of driving away reptiles when planted around homes.
Another ironweed relative so-named for alleged snake repelling properties. Rattlesnake master launches big sprays of golf ball-sized white flowers in summer atop rigid stalks with thick blue-green leaves. A fantastic architectural plant for borders and meadow gardens.
Leaves shaped like pickerel fish give pickerelweed its name. Slender spikes bearing dense blue-purple flowers rise above water from summer into fall. Pickerelweed thrives along pond edges or shallow water gardens, providing habitat for fish. Hummingbirds adore the blossoms.
Swamp rose delivers abundant pink five-petaled flowers with yellow centers spring to early summer, followed by tomato-like rose hips favored by birds and small mammals. This large, thicket-forming shrub grows naturally along stream banks and swamps but also tolerates garden settings. Makes a fantastic informal hedge.
Brightening moist roadside ditches and wet meadows, mistflower displays fluffy clusters of powdery blue flowers summer into fall, attracting admiring butterflies by the dozen. Shear off spent blooms to encourage reblooming. Combines beautifully with pink muhly grass and scarlet salvia.
Also called frogfruit for its frog-shaped seed capsules, this tough spreading evergreen groundcover thrives under harsh hot conditions. Pretty little white flowers open each morning. Makes fantastic lawn substitute. Periodic mowing controls spread. Requires little care once established.
Offering crackling sounds when rustled by wind and arresting red-hued spikelets, lopsided Indiangrass makes a beautiful native ornamental. Grows in loose clumps with blue-green foliage. Fantastic winter interest. Loves poor soils. Host grass for skipper butterflies.
Clump-forming spiderwort unfurls numerous grassy leaves from basal rosettes, then sends up tall wiry stalks studded with blue to purple flowers in late spring. Seed capsules resemble spiders with tufted tails. Spread vigorously to form a nice groundcover. Needs frequent division.
A staple in Florida landscapes, beautyberry dazzles with vivid clusters of shiny purple berries in late summer and fall, giving pops of color. Birds devour the ripe fruits while bees and butterflies drink nectar from the small pink summertime blooms.
One of the first flowering trees in spring, Chickasaw plum serves up loads of small white blooms, followed by sweet red plums beloved by wildlife. This small oval-crowned tree works well in tight spaces. Provides nice fall colors where winters get cold enough.
Don’t let its common name fool you. This shade-loving shrub offers no caffeine, just eye-catching foliage, fragrant white flowers, and vibrant red fruits that birds adore. Its glossy leaves contrast beautifully with maroons and greens for a lush tropical look.
Elderberry delivers loads of food and shelter for wildlife. Lacy white spring flower heads give way to sweet dark purple berries devoured by scores of birds while the dense growth makes excellent nesting sites. Fast growing. Prune regularly. Fantastic in wild areas.
In Florida’s rapidly developing landscape, preservation of remaining high quality native plant communities is crucial for protecting biodiversity. Conservation priorities include pine rocklands, scrub, seepage slope wetlands, springs and spring runs, coastal strands, tropical hardwood hammocks, and prairies.
The Florida Chapter of The Nature Conservancy identifies nine imperiled large-scale Florida ecosystems encompassing unique assemblages of native plants and animals. These include pine rocklands, tropical hardwood hammocks, coastal uplands and barrier islands, sand pine and oak scrub, seepage slopes and associated wetlands, sinkhole and spring ecosystems, floodplain marshes and swamp forests, and offshore banks and marine ecosystems.
While protecting high priority ecosystems is vital, individual homeowners can also make a difference by cultivating native plants on their properties. Focus on choosing species that naturally occur in your part of Florida for best results. Group plants with similar needs like light and watering requirements together. Gradually replace lawn grass with native ground covers. Most natives tolerate some drought once established but may need supplemental water during establishment or very dry periods. Apply several inches of mulch around plants to conserve soil moisture. Let leaf litter accumulate beneath shrubs and trees instead of blowing or raking it away to provide natural fertilizer. Avoid using pesticides which harm pollinators and birds.
Incorporating native plants into landscapes, parks and wild areas provides immense environmental benefits. Since they are adapted to local conditions, native plants generally require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides than exotic species once established, making them cheaper and easier to maintain. Deep root systems promote excellent soil health, prevent erosion, and filter water pollution. And specialized relationships between native plants and native organisms have co-evolved over thousands of years. Native plants provide vital food and shelter breeding habitats, migratory stopover sites, and overwintering grounds for a diverse array of wildlife from pollinators and birds to mammals and reptiles. They form the very foundation of Florida’s ecosystems.
Florida’s native plants face immense challenges from both direct and indirect human impacts. Development continues fragmenting and degrading natural habitats. Expanding cities and towns replace native vegetation with concrete, lawns and generic landscaping, devastating local plant diversity and the animals that depend on native plants for survival. Agricultural and forestry practices focus heavily on non-native species. And the nearly constant threat of invasive exotic plant and animal species disrupts natural ecological relationships. From Australian pines and Brazilian pepper trees to feral hogs, iguanas and pythons, introduced species compete directly with native flora and fauna, often displacing them entirely.
This results in less resilient ecosystems. Climate change poses mounting threats to native plants as well, with changes in rainfall, temperature extremes and storm severity favoring some species over others.
As one of North America’s biodiversity hotspots, Florida bears immense responsibility for protecting its wealth of unique temperate and tropical plant species against escalating threats. While vulnerable habitats and at-risk ecosystems require urgent large-scale conservation action, individual landowners can make a meaningful difference by incorporating diverse native plants into residential and commercial landscapes. Even small patches of native vegetation build links between fragmented natural areas, allowing native wildlife to traverse developed areas.
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